Alexander Hauschild’s Work Themes

Innovative Solutions for Modern Challenges

Explore Alexander Hauschild’s Work Themes


  1. Economic Growth and Efficiency.
  2. Poverty Reduction and Social Equity
  3. Corporate and Organizational Benefits
  4. Moral and Human Rights Obligations
  5. Resilience and Adaptability

Social Protection

Supply Chains

Inclusive supply chains involve the participation of marginalized populations. These include persons who have been excluded or underrepresented in economic processes, systems, and opportunities. This exclusion is due to their status or circumstances. These groups include persons with disabilities, women, ethnic minorities, refugees, and other vulnerable groups.


Inclusive Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) for marginalised populations ensures training programs are accessible to all. These programs are designed to meet the needs of disadvantaged or underrepresented groups in vocational skills. These groups include persons with disabilities, women, ethnic minorities, and refugees. People of low income and LGBTQIA+ people are also included. Their conditions make it difficult for them to enter schools or find jobs.

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inclusive, sustainable impact worldwide.

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