Videos about Inclusive Home Learning

Cover of the inclusive home learning film for the British Council

The ‘Inclusion in Remote Learning’ video series was compiled in 2021 during the Covid-19 pandemic. Travel and filming new footage was not possible due to lockdown and social distancing restrictions, so the videos use existing footage from EENET and other sources.

This video is the first in a series of three, prepared by EENET for the British Council. It introduces the challenges of learning at home, the differences between home learning and school, the steps that teachers can take to make learning at home more supportive and inclusive, and the importance of understanding children’s home life and helping parents. The video includes questions to encourage you to think about your own situation and experience.

This video is the second in a series of three, prepared by EENET for the British Council. It looks at the gender-based challenges of learning at home, the steps teachers can take to remove gender-based barriers to learning, and actions that managers can take to address the challenges. The video includes questions to encourage you to think about your own situation and experience. The video includes questions to encourage you to think about your own situation and experience.

This video is the third in a series of three, prepared by EENET for the British Council. It looks at inclusive education, in particular disability inclusive education, and the needs of learners. It provides practical suggestions for improving the quality and accessibility of teaching and learning. The video includes questions to encourage you to think about your own situation and experience. The video includes questions to encourage you to think about your own situation and experience.

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