Applying design thinking to develop new service models for the inclusion of working-age persons with disabilities in the community and labour market in Kyrgyzstan

The cover of the publication. The cover shows workshop participants discussing an visualising accessibility.

This report unveils the outcomes and methodology of the initiative titled “Applying design thinking to develop new service models for inclusion of adult persons with disabilities in community and labour market in Kyrgyzstan”. The comprehensive process encompassed a research phase and a Design Thinking Workshop. Both endeavours were geared towards comprehending and mapping diverse perspectives and requirements from constituents and stakeholders involved in fostering the inclusion of individuals with disabilities within Kyrgyzstan’s labour market and social protection system.

Drawing insights from the identification of six key challenges and problem statements, we crafted four prioritized prototypes. The recommendation is to initiate pilot programs for these four approaches, delving into their potential for broader implementation and integration into the standard service offerings of relevant institutions. This calls for close collaboration with organizations representing persons with disabilities and social partners to ensure a holistic and effective approach.

Approach 1: Awareness training for disability inclusion within economic units (private and public).

Approach 2: Fairs and public awareness-raising campaigns.

Approach 3: Participatory implementation of audit of physical access for persons with disabilities to public institutions.

Approach 4: Labour market inclusion services for persons with disabilities (supply side) and companies (demand side).

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